Ways to Teach Mindfulness at School.

Mindfulness has become a mainstream experience in homes and schools. It is a relatively low-cost and straightforward practice that anyone can get into. Introducing mindfulness to school-going children might seem like a far-fetched idea, but research has proven the benefits are vast. If incorporated into their curriculum, mindfulness can teach children to be attentive in the present moment to reduce stress and anxiety.

There are simple ways you can teach mindfulness at school, as shared by safeschools-wa.

What does mindfulness education mean?

Mindfulness means being focused and aware of the present situation without bias. Educating learners on mindfulness involves purposely teaching them the basics and practices to achieve self-awareness. Besides self-awareness, learners learn empathy, remain focused, have proper communication, and put mindfulness in daily life.

To successfully teach mindfulness, the school has to ensure that:

1.    There is support from the head of school programs.
2.    Staff and teachers are trained on mindfulness training as this requires a professional approach.
3.    Teachers support the program and motivate the learners to master mindfulness.
4.    Parents are aware of the program and back it. Practicing mindfulness at home can be an added advantage for the students.
5.    The training is consistent and long-term as students have different physical and mental development stages.
6.    There is room for flexibility. Other essential activities may occupy a school term, and hence teachers should be willing to work with what they have. 

What to include in a mindfulness program

Mindfulness learning sessions in a school should ideally be short and frequent. Scheduling practices once a day is an excellent place to start. 

Begin by teaching the students the definition of mindfulness. Ensure they understand the basis of the concept. Teach them mindfulness exercises like breathing, staying aware of all body senses, and scanning their bodies. Help them learn how to meditate mindfulness both at school and at home. Have separate curriculums for different age groups.


Teaching mindfulness in schools has become popular all over the world. Resources and books on mindfulness are readily available for educators, learners and researchers. Mindfulness training as part of the education curriculum is proven to cultivate the well-being of teachers and students.
Mindfulness will benefit your friends and relatives in so many ways. It will not only allow them to overcome negative thoughts, but it can also be used as therapy for depression, eating disorders, anxiety, and substance abuse.
Start good mental health for younger by practicing mindfulness meditation, please visit for more detail: https://mindfulnessacademyasia.com/